Marketing an idea is more difficult than marketing a tangible product; This is because human beings differ in their motives for adopting ideas, so we find among them an emotional type.
Some people need a convincing rational discourse, a third type tends to be convinced of what the public is convinced of, or what is known as herd culture, a fourth type tends to be convinced only of something that achieves a certain interest and you need to convince them to To strike the chord of the benefit achieved, public or private.
The art of influencing and persuasion is as old as eternity, it was previously called “the science of statement” or “eloquence”, and it is the way through which we can influence the thoughts, motives, and behavior of others, and this matter has become a science today, with the complexity of life, and the many messages that he sees People face it daily. It has become difficult to convince others of a message without another, and it needs professional people.
In fact, the author of the message must learn the scientific foundations and steps to communicate his idea clearly and clearly to the other, he needs to learn the methods that facilitate penetrating the mind and conscience of the other, and hitting him in the right place, the message writer must also be more able to control himself, and adapt it Along the breath, beautiful patience, and calm calm, he tries to convince the other of his idea.
There are three main types of people, my friend, towards your idea
A supporter category, another an opponent, and a final category that is not interested, and your intelligence comes from knowing your interlocutor and to which category he belongs. so an avenue; That is, to make him move from being against you to being neither with you nor against you, from being criticizing you to being stopped criticizing you.
Your goal with the third category (neutral) is to convince him to become supportive, enthusiastic, and believer in the idea.
We make a lot of mistakes when we talk to ourselves, fill our conferences and meetings with our followers and those who support us, so we rejoice by shaking our head and nodding in approval, and we do not realize that we are like someone who lights a lamp and the sun is shining; This is because the idea is originally clear and clear in the minds of those.
We also make a mistake when we deal with the opponent of the idea and our first, last and only goal is to convince him of it, despite the difficulty of that, so we make it difficult for ourselves, and we do not reach any significant benefit.
And intelligence is to set a realistic goal that I reach in my dialogue with the person I want to convince of the idea.
Then we start with some practical steps to convince them of the strength and originality of our idea. These steps are summarized as follows:
Sincerity of intention
These are the first, most important, and most dangerous strategies; This is because unfortunately, when we engage in dialogue with the other, we tend to personalize the issue raised, and the issue of persuading him or not convincing him becomes a personal matter, and this is the most serious obstacle facing us.. You will feel as you swallow the words or the suspicions with which your interlocutor confronts you with a kind of spiritual satisfaction; Because you are persevering and patient for your cause, and satisfied with it.
You will smile at the time when you want to smash his nose, speak calmly and deliberately and you were able to pull your vocal cords to their end, and disturb him with your loud voice, your excited speech, sincerity of intention is a very important axon to be more balanced, calm, and strong.
Understand the other person’s point of view
A good interlocutor is a good listener, and persuading you to the other requires you to first understand him, and to understand the motives, foundations and arguments he believes in, as well as the suspicions and arguments that make him take a different position from your case.
Let him speak, and do not forfeit his right to express his point of view or personal conviction, no matter how ridiculous and bad it seems to you and the fragility of his mental and logical structure; Because with its weakness in front of your logic, it may be solid and solid in the mind of the other, who - as I said earlier - may be intolerant of it out of passion or benefit.
Understanding his point of view, even if you don't accept it, intelligently brings you to the third point.
Standing at the meeting areas
When you listen to him, you will accurately identify two things, firstly the areas of disagreement and collision, and secondly the areas of convergence and points of agreement, from which you can take a stand to convince him of what you want, or melt the iceberg between you.. Your ability to formulate your speech in a positive manner and move your interlocutors forward eases Much of the intensity of clash and discord, we often neglect that between us and our opponents are areas of convergence and agreement, and we think that the difference in our ideologies and convictions entails a difference in all details and visions, and this is not true, but you can with some measure and meditation to stand on points of convergence, stand on them and take his hand ; To hear what you want to hear.
Recognize his strengths
Disagreement does not push you to disagree with reason, logic, and correctness. If your interlocutor has a point of view, an argument, or strengths, it is better to be fair and give him the validity of what he says, and the relevance of his vision or analysis. A critical situation if he also does not accept the validity and merit of your position.
Say what suits your interlocutor
Perhaps you have many convincing arguments, you do not need to say all of them. If you dwell on all the arguments, you can drown in front of you - whether it is a person or a group - in a sea of evidence and facts that may harm if they are more than needed, mention to him only the evidence or Arguments that fit the mind of your interlocutor, as well as the situation you are in.
Check your sources
Do not take the enthusiasm to convey information, say, or mention a statistic or news of which you are not sure, it will be a severe blow if your reasoning is proven inaccurate, so be very accurate in your sources, and I would prefer if you mention the source of your information.
And its conclusion should be musk
As you conclude your speech, try to summarize your point of view, emphasizing the convergence of visions and ideas that you have discovered.
These are seven main rules that play a big role in persuading your interlocutor, but before all this you need to read your interlocutor or your audience well, to know whether he is emotional or rational, fanatical or fair, against you or neutral??
Marketing experts often resort to the "loss method" in dealing with their emotional customers, they mean to notify the customer that his refusal to buy a commodity they market may cause them to lose the advantage they enjoy, relying on a psychological rule that says "None of us likes to lose or lose Something”, I may hesitate when it comes to winning, but I will be careful when you tell me to lose something, and with a statistic they made they were able to notice that the audience who pays attention and responds to an ad that starts with “Don’t lose the opportunity of a lifetime” than who interacts with an ad that starts with “ Seize the opportunity of a lifetime!
What I would like to say from my talk on this point is that successful marketing of an idea requires skill, intelligence and craft, and victory in the game of minds is mostly for those who have the keys.
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